Second UxGE Stakeholder Meeting – Art of The Box
On 26th November 2024, in Brussels (Belgium) Out of the Box international hosted the Second UxGE Stakeholder Meeting, having as a guest Siniša Davcevski, Director of Art of the Box NGO. The aim of this activity was to promote the UxGE project among relevant stakeholders.
During the meeting the United for a Green Europe project (UxGE) was overviewed and further discussed the project’s future activities. This event had as a main aims the presentation of the UxGE project (objectives, activities and main results); Debate on the importance of active participation of young people; as well as the establishment of strong collaborations.
Therefore, we took the opportunity during this meeting to present to our dear guest the activities that will follow in the project implementation (workshops to create proposals, Brussels mobility etc.) to encourage, motivate and engage relevant stakeholders like Art of The Box to be part in this process. The discussion was concealed to cherish the strengths and achievements, as well as, to reflect on the difficulties and how to tackle them. Also, we discussed how important youth involvement is in the conversation regarding the digital and green agenda, in addition to how these priorities areas are intertwined to support sustainable cities with the goal of building a better future in Europe.
Main takeaways of the event concern the content quality & impact: our stakeholder appreciated the innovative way to involve young people in community engagement and decision-making, quality of the activities being implemented in the UxGE Project, finding it particularly useful the development of proposals and workshop development, together with exchanging synergies with decision-makers.
To conclude, and taking into account our guest valuable feedback, we cherished Art of the Box’s will to contribute fostering a greater impact of the UxGE project, as well as boosting new potential collaborations in the endeavors towards further commitment in a greener, more sustainable and participatory Europe.